The 10th International Convention on Chinese/American Poetry and Poetics
中国 武汉 / 2024年6月21-23日
Wuhan, China ☆ June 21-23, 2024
会 讯
* 欢迎国内外学者、诗人、诗歌翻译家就以上议题或其他相关议题提交专题研讨方案。
The 10th International Convention on Chinese/American Poetry and Poetics
Wuhan, China ☆ June 21-23, 2024
Call for Papers
The 10th Convention on Chinese/American Poetry and Poetics will take place in Wuhan on June 21-23, 2024. This convention will be hosted by School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, and co-sponsored by journals of Foreign Literature Studies and Foreign Language and Literature Research, and Center for English Literatures of the university.
I. Major Topics (but not limited to):
(1) The Academic Tradition of the CAAP
(2) Chinese Scholarship on Foreign Poetry in China’s New Era;
(3) Language, Sound, the Visual: Multi-Dimensional Text of Poetry;
(4) Poetry Criticism from the Interdisciplinary and Inter-Art Perspectives;
(5) Poetry Criticism from the Transcultural Perspective;
(6) Poetry Criticism from the Social-Cultural Perspective;
(7) Artistic Innovation of Modern and Contemporary Poetry and the Evolution of Poetic Tradition;
(8) Theories on Poetry and Poetry Criticism;
(9) Translation and International Diffusion of Poetry.
* Proposals for panels on special topics not mentioned above are also welcome!
II. Dates to be marked out:
(1) Submission of the completed form as attached, including the abstract, to caap2024@163.com, by the following dates:
* Scholars from outside China: by May 10, 2024;
* Scholars from within China: by June 5, 2024.
(2) Conference registration: June 21, 2024.
(3) Conference events: June 22-23, 2024.
III. Working Languages: Chinese and English.
IV. Registration Fee: RMB 900 per participant, and RMB500 per full-time graduate student, with meals during the conference included.
V. Contact Information:
E-mail: caap2024@163.com
Dr Jiang Wenying, Central China Normal University(86-158 7138 7499)
Dr. He Tong, Central China Normal University(86-181 0130 2029)
Co-Sponsored by
School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, China
Foreign Literature Studies (bi-monthly)
【附件/Inclosure】Confirmation Form回执单.docx